Jenkins 有两类config.xml:
在Jenkins home之下的config.xml是Jenkins server的配置文件。
The Jenkins home directory contains all the details of your Jenkins server configuration, details that you configure in the Manage Jenkins screen.
A user appearing in this list cannot necessarily log on to Jenkins.
SCM user
(People who make changes to code in a source code repository that Jenkins is monitoring)
It is a good idea for developers to use their SCM username here: in
this case, Jenkins will be able to work out what users contributed to the SCM changes that triggered a particular build.Post-build Actions 对应了 config.xml中的 <publishers>
builder 就对应build
Source Code Management <scm class="hudson.scm.SubversionSCM">
Trigger<triggers class="vector">
portfolio controller builder-maven , publishers:ant merge.results
portfolio package:builder-ant target:portfolio.packaging。 publishers没有。
同时 workspace/trunk下 对于一个项目有两个文件:
Indeed, Continuous Delivery can be viewed as Continuous Deployment
with the final step (deployment into production) being a manual one dictated by the business rather than the development team.